Why are we alive?
Listen first “Daddy, you know what… I think the first bite of an apple is always the best.” ~Delaney, age 9 I’ve said it before. We need kids to teach us how to see the world anew in all its… Continue Reading
Listen first “Daddy, you know what… I think the first bite of an apple is always the best.” ~Delaney, age 9 I’ve said it before. We need kids to teach us how to see the world anew in all its… Continue Reading
Lessons Learning is a journey, and your students want to know you are with them. How do you let them know you truly are? In my experience, this is done by creating learning experiences that mean something. Experiences that live… Continue Reading
What makes you smarter? I bet you have a pretty good idea by now. Personally, I get a little smarter every time I’m behind the edit pane of this blog. I have a new bit of research to share that… Continue Reading
Disclaimer I apologize outright if you are in a drought-stricken region desperately searching the web for a glimmer of hope, only to have arrived at this post courtesy of the title. That’s not what this is. There are no deluge-inducing… Continue Reading
Life moves pretty fast So, it happens that I was just checking out at the grocery store with my youngest daughter, Neve, by my side. While she danced around behind and beside me (literally), the checkout girl, who I could… Continue Reading