How Close Is Too Close?

One of my most respected virtual friends (who will become a “real” friend if Educon 2.3 doesn’t get snowed out) recently blogged about five reasons to avoid Facebook in the classroom.  His post was a response to another by Jeff… Continue Reading


Beginning with the end There…  glad I got that out of the way.  There ended the longest blogless period I’ve had in about three years.  Not that I’ve ever been that prolific.  In fact, I’m pretty satisfied if I get… Continue Reading

Growing a Tree of Professional Development

Arboreal aspirations? During a time of the year when perhaps sugarplums should be dancing in my head, I seem to be conjuring trees.  More precisely-  massive, skyward-reaching, luxurious and well-rooted trees.  I can’t seem to keep from dwelling in the… Continue Reading

Four Pillars of Technology Integration

I spent far too much time today on this image……. But first What are the key elements required for a transformation of teaching and learning through the use of technology?  There are obviously many reasonable ways to look at this. … Continue Reading