Growing a Tree of Professional Development

Arboreal aspirations? During a time of the year when perhaps sugarplums should be dancing in my head, I seem to be conjuring trees.  More precisely-  massive, skyward-reaching, luxurious and well-rooted trees.  I can’t seem to keep from dwelling in the… Continue Reading

Increasing Our Level of “Vitamin A”

Vitamin A? For the purposes of this post, “Vitamin A” = administration. Given this equation, you might assume that I am about to promote an increase in administrative positions.  No.  Then perhaps more administrative oversight in education?  No.  Then what? … Continue Reading

The Art & Science of Questioning (ok, mostly the art)

Questioning The art and science of teacher questioning is a powerful force in any flavor of direct instruction. Marzano and associates (2001) found a roughly 22 percentile gain in student achievement when skillful questioning was an instructional focus. Furthermore, a… Continue Reading